Sunday, April 28, 2013

Making Money, Making Money, Making Money-Paying off Debt

I would say if you follow simple rules of make more than you spend you win the game of finances, but if everyone did that we would not be here reading or writing in my case.  So I want to point out some of the things I have done and I am working on to Make Money so I can Pay off Debt, not buy new things, Pay off Debt.

Currently the sprint is going to plan, still sprinting, and yesterday over a beer from Half Acre(I love these guys  I'm not an investor but be ready for a future blog about Venture Beer Capitalist!)  I made plans to focus on the next debt and go a little more Dave Ramsey on this one and pay off my smallest debt next, but I'm focused Sprint #1 I wanted to write down all of my future financial goals of paying off debt and saving, I've posted on here before but I want to have every single thing paid for in 7 years, considering there is 2 homes in this equation it's a mountain sized goal!

Back to what I'm doing to make extra money and things you can to.  First I work hard at my job or smart or at least I show up everyday, I applied for a Manager position and while being a Milwaukee Bucks underdog I have learned a lot from this experience.  So don't be afraid to apply for other positions that have higher pay, I mean if you make 20K a year and get that 25K job, congrats you just increased your monthly income by about $400 extra a month.  If your job is hourly and they offer Overtime, soak it all up, I mean up until now it was 32 degrees and cloudy, what did you need more a drink after work or 1.5 times your hourly rate?

I also sell things on eBay, I call it my Man Fund.  Like the good financial blogs and books tell you I sold some of that stuff I just didn't need or wear anymore.  I sold a backpack that I used in Europe, clothes that I didn't wear and a few other things that I can't think of right now.  I also love to shop for bargains and deals so even when I was in college I would buy stuff from Nike Outlet and resell it on eBay, made some extra funds there without a lot of risk.  I also shop at garage sales, thrift stores, anywhere that has name brand stuff for cheap that I can sell(Here's an example )

So there is ways to make extra money, maybe you fix up cars, take great photos, or have a bunch of junk you don't need, sell it make some money and Pay off that Debt!!!

Lastly I reference financial blogs and things I read that keep me motivated, check these out, they have some great material, whether it's about being frugal, making money, or a little bit of everything.

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